New art prints: Love Yourself – Aging – Isolation Camp – Flamingos Of Death Metal

I just added a couple of art prints to my store. There’s a brand new version of my Love Yourself! artwork available for pre-order. As well as my Flamingos Of Death Metal and Curious Animals print. Coming soon: a screen print of my Aging comic (from Häcksler #2).

And if you want your favourite Pizzeria Disgusto cartoon(s) as a signed high quality art print you can pre-order your copy of Raveioli, Gnocchi Balboa, Pizza Hawaii, Tiramisurus Rex, Zuppa Mario or every other cartoon from the book now.

Love Yourself art print

Flamingos Eagles Of Death Metal EODM art print

Aging art print

Curious animals Isolation Camp art print

Pizzeria Disgusto art prints